
Histoire · 27 March 2023
Commanding Officer -> Major A.R. COULTHARD
Histoire · 27 March 2023
Commanding Officer : Captain R.H. WATSON
Histoire · 27 March 2023
Commanding Officer : Captain H.J.C. CORNISH Supplies Officer : Captain R.G. THOMAS Transport Officer : Lieutenant J.B. DALZIEL
Histoire · 27 March 2023
Commanding Officer -> Lieutenant Colonel J.P. PARKINSON 2nd in Command -> Major G. WELLS Administrative Officer -> Lieutenant R. COLE Regimental Sergeant Major -> Warrant Officer I L. EASTWOOD Captain T. McMURRAY Captain D. ROWLANDS Captain J. MITCHELL -> Attached to 4th Parachute Bn Captain E. MORRISON -> Attached to 5th Parachute Bn Captain W.J. KERR -> Attached to 6th Parachute Bn
Histoire · 27 March 2023
If you are part of the family of one of those men, please contact us. We are still searching for informations about those heroes.
Histoire · 27 March 2023
Battery Commander -> Major B.J. POTTER 2nd in Command -> Captain F.G. TANSLEY Battery Captain -> Captain F.G. McCULLOUGH Battery Headquarter -> Lieutenant F.D. OUTRIDGE Administrative Officer -> Lieutenant B.G. KEMPSTON "A" Troop CO -> Lieutenant P.C. MILSOM -> Bde Reserve "B" Troop CO -> Lieutenant R.G. ARMSTRONG -> Att'd 4th Bn "C" Troop CO -> Lieutenant W.R. MILLS -> Att'd 6th Bn Recce Section ->"D" Troop CO -> Lieutenant F.C. HALL -> Att'd 5th Bn
Histoire · 27 March 2023
Battery Commander : Major D.M. DUNCAN 2nd in Command : Captain R. MARTIN, attached to Brigade Hq Bty Command Post Officer : Lieutenant J.V. WEST -> "A" Troop Bty Command Post Officer : Lieutenant H.T WALLEY -> "B" Troop Forward Observer : Captain J.D. SKAIFE D'INGERTHORPE -> Att'd 4th Bn Forward Observer : Lieutenant G.H. CROSSLEY -> Att'd 6th Bn Forward Observer : Lieutenant D.W. ABBOTT -> Att'd 5th Bn Lieutenant S.W. WORSLEY Lieutenant E.A. WALMSLEY Lieutenant A.H.J. DOREY
Histoire · 26 March 2023
Commanding officer : Lieutenant-Colonel V.W. BARLOW 2nd in Command : Major W.C. LAWSON Adjudant : Captain N.M. BOYS Quartermaster : Lieutenant T.C. BEEVOR Administrative Officer : Lieutenant R.V. PHILLIPS Regimental Signal Officer : Lieutenant L.M. NEILL Intelligence Officer : Lieutenant G.H SEAL Regimental Medical Officer : Captain S.D. STOCK Reverend : Captain L. OTTEWELL Brigade Liaison Officer : Captain C.A.R. CROSLAND Battalion Liaison Officer : Lieutenant G.H. CRISP Photographer :...
Histoire · 23 August 2022
Early in September, 1943, the 21st Independent Parachute Company landed with 1st Airborne Division in Italy with the objective of capturing the port of Taranto and securing a perimeter around the port. We were taken by vessels of the Royal Navy from Bizerta in Tunisia - and were treated like royalty whilst on board the cruiser, HMS Aurora- to Taranto, where we met little opposition to our landing on 9th September. Unfortunately, however, HMS Abdiel, carrying the 6th Parachute Battalion and most...

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