Commanding Officer -> Major A.R. COULTHARD
Commanding Officer : Captain R.H. WATSON
Commanding Officer : Captain H.J.C. CORNISH Supplies Officer : Captain R.G. THOMAS Transport Officer : Lieutenant J.B. DALZIEL
Commanding Officer -> Lieutenant Colonel J.P. PARKINSON 2nd in Command -> Major G. WELLS Administrative Officer -> Lieutenant R. COLE Regimental Sergeant Major -> Warrant Officer I L. EASTWOOD Captain T. McMURRAY Captain D. ROWLANDS Captain J. MITCHELL -> Attached to 4th Parachute Bn Captain E. MORRISON -> Attached to 5th Parachute Bn Captain W.J. KERR -> Attached to 6th Parachute Bn
If you are part of the family of one of those men, please contact us. We are still searching for informations about those heroes.
Battery Commander -> Major B.J. POTTER 2nd in Command -> Captain F.G. TANSLEY Battery Captain -> Captain F.G. McCULLOUGH Battery Headquarter -> Lieutenant F.D. OUTRIDGE Administrative Officer -> Lieutenant B.G. KEMPSTON "A" Troop CO -> Lieutenant P.C. MILSOM -> Bde Reserve "B" Troop CO -> Lieutenant R.G. ARMSTRONG -> Att'd 4th Bn "C" Troop CO -> Lieutenant W.R. MILLS -> Att'd 6th Bn Recce Section ->"D" Troop CO -> Lieutenant F.C. HALL -> Att'd 5th Bn
Battery Commander : Major D.M. DUNCAN 2nd in Command : Captain R. MARTIN, attached to Brigade Hq Bty Command Post Officer : Lieutenant J.V. WEST -> "A" Troop Bty Command Post Officer : Lieutenant H.T WALLEY -> "B" Troop Forward Observer : Captain J.D. SKAIFE D'INGERTHORPE -> Att'd 4th Bn Forward Observer : Lieutenant G.H. CROSSLEY -> Att'd 6th Bn Forward Observer : Lieutenant D.W. ABBOTT -> Att'd 5th Bn Lieutenant S.W. WORSLEY Lieutenant E.A. WALMSLEY Lieutenant A.H.J. DOREY
Commanding officer : Lieutenant-Colonel V.W. BARLOW 2nd in Command : Major W.C. LAWSON Adjudant : Captain N.M. BOYS Quartermaster : Lieutenant T.C. BEEVOR Administrative Officer : Lieutenant R.V. PHILLIPS Regimental Signal Officer : Lieutenant L.M. NEILL Intelligence Officer : Lieutenant G.H SEAL Regimental Medical Officer : Captain S.D. STOCK Reverend : Captain L. OTTEWELL Brigade Liaison Officer : Captain C.A.R. CROSLAND Battalion Liaison Officer : Lieutenant G.H. CRISP Photographer :...
Histoire · 23 August 2022
Early in September, 1943, the 21st Independent Parachute Company landed with 1st Airborne Division in Italy with the objective of capturing the port of Taranto and securing a perimeter around the port. We were taken by vessels of the Royal Navy from Bizerta in Tunisia - and were treated like royalty whilst on board the cruiser, HMS Aurora- to Taranto, where we met little opposition to our landing on 9th September. Unfortunately, however, HMS Abdiel, carrying the 6th Parachute Battalion and most...