Posts tagged with "Levens"

Veterans · 29 June 2020
Il arrive rarement dans une vie des rencontres qui en quelques minutes vous donne l'impression que vous avez été proches pour l'éternité. Gary était l'un de ces hommes, et il aura une place dans nos cœur pour le reste de nos vies. Gareth LaMont DAVIS est né à Cass Lake, régions montagneuses du Minessota le 7 juillet 1924 .. Il commence très tôt dans sa vie avec son père à passer du temps dans les forêts pour le camping mais surtout pour la chasse. Il était lycéen lorsqu'il a...

Histoire · 28 June 2020
The 887th Engineer Company was one of the great but virtually unknow outfit of World war tow. Constituted on the 25 of august 1942, in the Army of the United States from men of Company B, 871st Airborne Engineer Battalion. It was officially activated 1 September 1942 at Westover Field, Massachusetts . The company left Westover by train at 9am on the 7th of october 1942, to Langley field Virginia. On the 15th of October the Company left United States at Chesapeare bay by ship on USS Florence...

Veterans · 01 May 2020
There is some people you meet one day in your life, and they host a place in your Heart for ever. Charlie and his lovely wife Rena were that kind of people. They came in La Motte and Le Muy, southern France landing zone for the 50th anniversary, August 1994. we spend those days together, trying to locate the place he landed on his glider, places he was , and villages he liberated. Charlie was born on september the 28th 1925, he join the army and was soon volonteer for airborne training....