Posts tagged with "Le Serre"

In Memoriam · 16 June 2021
Joseph "Joe" O'BRIEN was born on the 23rd of august 1923, Attached to F company 517th parachute infantry regiment, Joe was the first 517th paratrooper killed in action on Southern France "D" day by a German machine gun at German head quarter Le Serre between La Motte, Le Mitan and Le Muy on the first hour. Joe O'BRIEN was Gary L DAVIS and Gene FRICE best friend. A young funny man full of energy and with a unforgatable sense of humor. Joe is burried at Golden Gate National cemetery, San Mateo,...

Veterans · 29 June 2020
Il arrive rarement dans une vie des rencontres qui en quelques minutes vous donne l'impression que vous avez été proches pour l'éternité. Gary était l'un de ces hommes, et il aura une place dans nos cœur pour le reste de nos vies. Gareth LaMont DAVIS est né à Cass Lake, régions montagneuses du Minessota le 7 juillet 1924 .. Il commence très tôt dans sa vie avec son père à passer du temps dans les forêts pour le camping mais surtout pour la chasse. Il était lycéen lorsqu'il a...

Veterans · 16 February 2020
A brave soldier who was part of the very formation of the Parachute Regiment and served throughout the war as Part of the 4th Battalion with distinction. He was born on 20th February 1925 Wanting to fight for his country when the war broke out he went to the recruiting centre on 21st September 1941 whilst only sixteen years old and stated that he was born in 1923. He enlisted into the London Irish Rifles and almost immediately volunteered for the newly formed Parachute Regiment, then under the...