William J. (Wild Bill) BOYLE was born on Aug. 29, 1917, to William L. and Marie FOLEY BOYLE in Brooklyn, NY and had one brother, Joseph. He was an accomplished track athlete in high school, participating in the 1935 Millrose Games, graduated from St. Augustine High School in 1935. On 1st of july 1935 he entered the famous United States Military Academy of West Point New York and graduated with the other 455 westpointers of the class 1939 on the 12 of june at the age of 22. This was the first...
Comme chaque année le mois d'aout est le mois anniversaire du débarquement et de la libération de Provence. Nous somme encore et toujours présent pour ce devoir de mémoire. Aux Arcs sur Argens, centre ville, place du jeu de boules. As every year here we are, running exibition dedicated to the heros of southern France Landing from the french resistance to "D" day operation Dragoon.
Page under construction, please come later. Don H. DILLON was born on the 1st of october 1922 at La Junta , Colorado. He entered in the US Army at Denver on the 28th of april 1943. He voluntered for paratroopers and was graduated on the 27 of september at Fort Benning Georgia. He was attached to the 517th parachute infantry regiment and departed to Europe on the 17th of may arriving in Italy on 31st. He was attached to 3rd platoon, D company, second battalion and took part to operation Dragoon...
Alexandre BREMONDY est né aux Arcs sur Argens le 06 août 1926, il est chef de sizaine . De sa profession de boulanger au village de Vidauban, une fois recruté dans le groupe d'André CHARRIER il sera désigné comme agent pour le transport des tracts et des messages entre son village natal des Arcs et la boite à lettre de la résistance vidaubanaises. Il se d'un jour alors qu'il arrivait à Vidauban d'une colonne Allemande qui s'était arrêté pour boire a la fontaine voisine. Il réussi a...
Fernand PASCAL est né aux Arcs le 2 novembre 1904. De la classe 1924 il est appelé sous les drapeaux et affecté au 5em cuirassiers à Trèves le 22 novembre dans le peloton de mitrailleur sur les bords du Rhin. Démobilisé en 1926 il reprend son activité de viticulteur dans son village. A la déclaration de guerre il est à nouveau mobilisé le 2 septembre 1939 et affecté au 22em R.A.C. (régiment d'Artillerie Coloniale) il est envoyé à Arcis sur Aube, puis l'unité participe aux...
Cette pelle Américaine modèle pliant 1943 fut retrouvée après le passage des premiers parachutistes du 517em et du 460em de la place des Arcs sur Argens par le jeune Marcel , frère du résistant René MARIUS. Venu acclamer les premiers libérateurs, il remarque que l'un d'eux abandonne sa pelle au pied d'un platane alors que l'attache de ceinturon, probablement affaiblie par le choc de son parachutage, venait de céder. Marcel conservera cette pelle toute sa vie de viticulteur. Elle porte...
Robert William "Bob" DALRYMPLE was born in Brazil, Indiana, on the 10th of june 1917. He was the younger brother of sister, Ruth, and brother, John. After joining the US army and the corp of Engineers Robert DALRYMPLE had been asked to join the airborne troops as the US army was planing to activate some airborne Engineer units attached to the infantry. He was at that time, C company commander of C company, 139th Airborne Engineer battalion at Camp Mackall, North Carolina. Then he attended with...
Private Richard SAILOR was born on November 2, 1920 on the White Earth Indian Reservation, Becker County, Minnesota. Both of his parents were of Ojibwe Indian blood. His father was Frank William Sailor (Sho Ne Yah Wo Say), and his mother Lena Martin (Bah Gway Ke Gah Bow Eak). His father Frank took the surname SAILOR when he joined the US Army in 1914-1918. Their traditional Ojibwe name was originally "Be-Gay" which means "Partridge". He was wounded and gassed on the French battlefield during...