Robert William "Bob" DALRYMPLE was born in Brazil, Indiana, on the 10th of june 1917.
He was the younger brother of sister, Ruth, and brother, John.
After joining the US army and the corp of Engineers Robert DALRYMPLE had been asked to join the airborne troops as the US army was planing to activate some airborne Engineer units attached to the infantry. He was at that time, C company commander of C company, 139th Airborne Engineer battalion at Camp Mackall, North Carolina.
Then he attended with his officers a 30 day course at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, aftera hard training period he was asked to become company commander of the new created 596th Airborne engineers company. (total of 8 officers and about 137 men)
This unit was attached to a Combat team including the 517th parachute infantry regiment, and the 460th Airborne Artillery batallion.
Robert DALRYMPLE and his unit was sent to Europe in may 1944, first combat in Italy, then prepared near Rome for the second D day. Operation Dragoon 15th of august 1944.
For that operation, the 3 platoons and HQ of the 596th aiborne Engineer company were split in 3 differents main units of the airborne division.
One platoon of the 596th had dropped with the 509th parachute infantry battalion on landing zone C. South of Le Muy. Second platoon had dropped with the 2nd Battalion, 517th parachute regiment and 3rd platoon with the 3rd Battalion of this same unit. Captain Bob DALRYMPLE jumped at about 4.30 a.m with elements of the 509th Parachute Battalion near the village of Le Muy. The 2nd Platoon conducted operation south of La Motte and then Les Arcs. The 3rd Platoon was scatered 15 miles north of his drop Zone, near the village of Callian and joined attack operations with 3rd Battalion on the road Dagruignan/Grasse leading many germans convoys until they joined the rest of the outfit at Chateau Sainte Roseline near Les Arcs .
then, with his men he continued fighting in France , maritims Alps, Italian Border, Col de Braus, he also had the task to rebuilt the Nice Airport, and blow out all germans defenses along the riviera .
At the fall 1944 he and his men moved to northern France for being prepare to the terrible battle of the Bulge. Winter 1944/1945

Bob DALRYMPLE having served as a 596th paratroop Airborne company commander in Europe from Italy to Battle of the Bulge in World War II and the following years in service to his country until retirement in 1965 with the rank of Colonel.
In 1978 after finishing his second career as a professor at Metropolitan State University in Denver, he moved to Green Valley One of Bob’s loves was singing and he led the “Lonesome Cowboys” singing group right here in Green Valley,
Robert DALRYMPLE was a very active member of the 517th parachute combat team association and served as president during the 90's at this time we welcome him and a group of 517th members in september 1994.
He passed away peacefuly on 30 of may 2018 at the age of 101. He is burried at Fort Logan national cemetery, Denver Colorado. May you rest in peace dear friend, you always host a special place in our hearts.