Alton served as a Private, Company D, 517th Parachute Infantry Regimental Combat Team, U.S. Army during World War II.
He resided in Pennsylvania prior to the war.
He enlisted in the Army on May 4, 1943 in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania. He was noted, at the time of his enlistment, as being Single, without dependents.
In 1944, he is a Pvt in the 517th Parachute Infantry Regiment, "D Company. In November, while Sospel is liberated after weeks of hard battles, they decided with his platoon to take a rest in a large nice looking empty house.
The Germans anticipated the americans would take up quarters there and rigged it with a time delayed device booby trapped. Five soldiers of the "D" Company will be killed that day ( Sgt Homer BEAVER, Pvt John FOUTS, Pfc Daniel Ogniewski, Pvt Walter VANDRPOOL), four are wounded and one (Floyd POLK) lost his leg.
If you have any information about this soldier, please contact us in order to update the file.
Alton a servi en tant que soldat dans la compagnie D du 517e régiment d'infanterie parachutiste.
Il résidait en Pennsylvanie avant la guerre.
Il s'est enrôlé dans l'armée le 4 mai 1943 à Wilkes Barre, en Pennsylvanie. Il a été noté, au moment de son enrôlement, comme étant célibataire, sans personne à charge.
Alton a été "tué au combat" avec 4 de ses camarades en France lorsqu'une bombe à retardement a explosé dans une auberge à 3 miles de Sospel, en France, pendant la guerre.
Il a reçu le "Bronze Star" et le Purple Heart.

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Source : HonorStates & 517prct.org