We never had the privilege to meet Colonel Raymond L. CATO, but since the 90's we had many correspondances with him, in one of these letter he attached as a present this photo portrait of him dedicated and taken in Nice, France when he was there with his Battalion. This is one of a rare picture of him actualy on line. here is his brilliant carreer story.
Colonel Raymond CATO was small in stature, but large than life as commander of the 460th Parachute field Artillery battalion during world war tow in Europe.
Raymond Lemuel CATO was born and raised on a smallfarm in Indiana. After graduating from a small high school (10 in his class) he embarked upon a course of higher education. He attended Depauw University in Greencastle, Indiana for two years before entering the United States Military Academy at West Point, N.Y.
In 1936 as a newly commissioned 2nd. Lt. In Artillery, he started a career that would eventually lead him to command the 460th.PFA Battalion. This Battalion with a strength of some 600 officers and men and sixteen 75mm howitzers (most battalions had twelve guns) answered every challenge presented to it in Italy, France, Belgium and Germany.
Colonel CATO 's first assignment was with the 24th Field Artillery, Philippine Scouts stationed at Fort Stotsenberg, Philippine Islands. (Research reveals that the 24th Artillery Regiment had 75mm guns and that they surrendered to Japanese forces of Bataan April 9",
After serving 18 months with the "Scouts" and another 18 months in the New Philippine Army, formed by General Douglas Mac Arthur, Colonel CATO returned to the states in 1940 and was assigned to the Fort Sill Artillery School until 1941, then he was assigned to the 349th Field Artillery School Troops.
In 1943 Colonel CATO volunteered for the Airborne. After graduating from the jump school at Fort Benning, in August 1943 he was ordered to organize the 466th PFA Battalion. This took place at Camp Mackall in September 1943. Other officers assigned to the 466h included Captain’s Kinzer, Frank, Buelow, Lantz and Lieutenants.Thompson, Prager and Biddle
In the spring of 1944 while on maneuvers in Tennessee with the 466h and the 17th Airborne Division, Colonel CATO was given 24 hours to return to Camp Mackall and take command of the 460h. The officers listed above were selected to accompany him and become part of
this battalion that would soon be on the way to Europe and the war.

After the war ended Colonel Cato returned with the 460h to the states and Fort Bragg. The 460th was deactivated February 25 1946 at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
Then, Colonel CATO served with the 82nd Airborne Division and the 18th Airborne Corps until the summer of 1947.
At that time he was selected to attend the Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas The summer of '48 found the Colonel on the move again, this time, to join the 11" A/B Division Artillery in Japan. He returned with the 11th Airborne to Fort Campbell, Kentucky in the spring of 1949. The following year he attended the Armed Forces Staff College.
In 1951 Colonel CATO was selected for another important assignment as Army Attache, American Embassy, Copenhagen, Denmark. He served in that capacity until 1954. He then attended the Army War College (1955-1956). His next assignment was Chief of Organization Division, Department of the Army (1956-59)
In 1959 Colonel CATO became assistant Corps Artillery Commander, 18th Airborne Corps at Fort Bragg. He retained this position until he was assigned Chief of Plans and Operation Division, United Nations Command, at Seoul, Korea (1961-62).
The Colonel returned to the states in 1962 and was assigned to Office Personal Operations at the Pentagon(1962-1966).
Colonel CATO retired in 1966 after 30 years of Army service. But I guess it's hard to put an old War Horse pasture, especially one that had such a varied and interesting Tour Of Duty. The same year the Colonel retired from the Army he took a job with "Data Dynamic", a small computer company. He became Vice-President operation, of a subsidiary, "Mass Property Appraisal" in 1970. He closed this chapter of his life by retiring again in 1975.
Mrs. Dorothy CATO, and the Colonel had four children, two sons, both Professional Army, both Paratroopers, two daughters, they have ten grand children, one is in the Army, one in the Air Force and one in the Navy. They also have three great grandsons.
"Colonel CATO", was a true Officer and a Gentleman, a man that have been admirated very much, by his men even after all these years. Colonel L. CATO passed away peacefully at his assisted Living Facility at Cypres Palm, Largo Florida on august the 16, 2005, at the age of 93 he was interred at the Old Chapel of West Point , New York. Parcelle Old Cadet Chapel Columbarium
21-E-BR . ID mémorial 188386627